Vaping-A Few Facts-Mods and Ecigs
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Depositphotos_19969187_m-2015The two basic devices used for vaping are mods and e-cigs. The e-cig is the most commonly known form of vaping. Its appearance is much like a traditional tobacco cigarette. Mods, on the other hand, don’t resemble the traditional tobacco cigarette style or shape. The mod vaporizer comes in various shapes, styles and sizes.


Both mods and e-cigs tend to be referred to as e-cigarettes. They have physically different shapes but both styles are used for vaping. The have the same technology. Both mods and e-cigs have three main parts; the battery, the atomizer, and the e-liquid. A battery is the power source for the device. It activates an atomizer which heats up a coil. The hot coil heats up the e-liquid housed in the vaporizer.


Both types of devices are smoked the same way. Much like a traditional cigarette, the smoker inhales through a mouthpiece from one end. The airflow triggers a sensor that switches on the power to heat the coil. Once hot enough, the coil warms up the e-liquid in the cartridge in the body of the vaporizer. The heated e-liquid creates a vapor that the smoker inhales. The heated e-liquid also creates a vapor cloud, much like the smoke in a traditional cigarette, but tobacco-free. There may be a light at the end of the e-cig to make it look like the lit end of a traditional cigarette.


E-cigs, also known as e-cigarettes, tend to be the first type of vape product a user may try. This generally is because it has a similar look and feel to a traditional tobacco cigarette. The e-cig is a smaller sized vape device. Because of its smaller size it often contains a prefilled e-liquid cartridge. They are most often a one-use product.


The mod vape device is also known an advanced personal vaporizer, a vape pen, or a vape mod. According to Electronic Cigarette Buyers Guide this type of device has two basic shapes; tube mods and box mods. Tube mods have a more cylindrical body shape. Box mods have a more square or rectangular body shape. Both styles have a variety of products with variations of their body shapes. The mod user has more control over the usage of his device and is able to regulate the power level to fit his needs. These vape products are reusable and refillable. For the sub ohm affect, the mod has the potential to create good sized vape clouds.


For up-front costs e-cigarettes tend to be less expensive. In the long run, with the ability to be reusable and refillable, the mod can be less expensive. With the mod’s ability to be refilled vape smokers have a much wider variety of e-juice flavors and nicotine levels to choose from.


With so many varieties available deciding which vape products to use can be confusing. Come visit us in our Euless e-cigarette shop. Our knowledgeable employees can help you find a style of products and e-juice flavors to fit your personal vaping needs.



  1. Electronic Cigarette Buyers Guide. Advanced Personal Vaporizers.

23 May 2016