If you are already a partaker in the world of vape, then you know that there are individuals, groups, and complete governments that are energetically working in contradiction of vaping. Countless tend to site misconceptions about the “dangers of vaping” for their justification. However, what these people are hearing and siting are often mainstream, false “facts.” Fortunately, there are credible researchers leading studies that help us uncover the truth, which is that vaping isn’t unsafe especially when compared to smoking.
More Research
One of the newest studies deriving from the U.K. has reinforced the truth that vaping is safer in terms of health in comparison to smoking. The study was conducted by gathering a sample of ex-smokers using nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), ex-smokers vaping exclusively for at least six months, and current smokers.
The study results indicated that vaping significantly reduced their exposure to cancerous toxins. Some of the most hazardous carcinogens were found at the lowest levels with those who deserted smoking. One element found in several cancers that smokers face (NNAL) was reduced by a grand total of 97 percent. The presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) were similar. Acrolein is believed to be the root of lung cancer and had reduced presence by about 67 percent.
Dual users, people who used a combination of vaping or NRT and smoking, did not show significant difference in cancerous levels compared to full-time smokers.
The Conclusion
Experts are weighing in on this study providing positive feedback. Dr. Siegel of Boston University went so much as to say, “The bottom line of this study is that there is now no scientific uncertainty: vaping is much safer than smoking.”
So if you were on the fence about trying to shift to vaping, know that you can do so with complete confidence. You can quit smoking today by switching to vaping. Visit your local vaping store for more information.